Summer Beer Thing has a zero tolerance approach to any type of harrassment, bullying or assault based on gender, race, ethnicity, religion, age, sexual orientation, disability, body size and physical appearence. The festival was created to bring like minded people together to celebrate what we all love in a safe environment and we continue to uphold this and work to improve.

We will exclude anyone who discriminates against anyone at the festival on any grounds. We operate on a one strike and you’re out approach.

We will not serve products with sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic, ableist or any other discriminatory branding.

If you experience any form of harassment or abuse, or see anything that makes you uncomfortable, please report it to a member of the Summer Beer Thing team or security. We will take you somewhere quiet and you can give us as much information as you are comfortable sharing, and we will take steps to ensure that the individual(s) involved are dealt with. We will keep you informed with our steps and make sure you’re happy with these. Any reports made to us are treated in confidence, but if we need to involve anyone else, we will check with you first to ensure you’re happy with this. It is vital for us to make sure you are in control of the situation throughout.

If you have any questions or concerns, or would like to know more about our safety and inclusion policies, please feel free to email Becca at